As promised in my book, if you would like to go further down the rabbit hole,
I am including some resources (books, authors, podcasts, etc.)
that have inspired me on this journey...
Joseph Benner: Christ in You and The Impersonal Life
Brené Brown: Daring Greatly and Braving the Wilderness
Joseph Dispenza: Becoming Supernatural and You Are the Placebo
Wayne Dyer: Your Sacred Self, Real Magic, and The Shift
Donald Epstein: The 12 Stages of Healing
Annie Grace: This Naked Mind
Louise Hay: Mirror Work: 21 Days to Heal Your Life
Carl Jung: The Stages of Life
John Mackey: Conscious Capitalism
Michael McCarthy: The Moth Snowstorm: Nature and Joy
Anita Moorjani: Dying to Be Me
Michael Singer: The Untethered Soul and The Surrender Experiment
Paramahansa Yogananda: The Autobiography of a Yogi, The Second Coming of Christ, and God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita
Oprah's SuperSoul Conversations: Awaken, discover, and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you. Listen to interviews with thought-leaders, authors, and spiritual luminaries, as well as health and wellness experts. Designed to guide you through life's big questions. oprah.com/supersoul
On Being: Krista Tippett's podcast examines "the animating questions at the center of human life and what it means to be human." Krista tackles these big questions with scientists, authors, theologians, artists, and teachers from around the globe. onbeing.org
Optimize: In his podcast, Brian Johnson boils down "big ideas," and discusses fresh ideas on self-development, spiritual awakening, and philosophical literature. Brian has dedicated himself to distilling the world's wisdom into a framework we can all apply to our daily lives. optimize.me
Free Guided Meditation Apps
Michael Singer's website untetheredsoul.com is a great resource for his books, lectures, interviews, podcasts, and much more.
Finding Joe is a film about Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey.
Go to findingjoethemovie.com to learn more.
Elaine Christine is a Life Coach and owner of Yoga for You studio in Austin, TX. Learn more at yogaforyouaustin.com
Nate Jensen is an award-winning freelance artist based in Portland, OR. Nate's illustrations in this book helped bring life and humor to my story. Explore his art at natepjensen.com.
Book Illustrations for Audiobook Listeners